Sunday, May 17, 2009

between the solo and the refrain

c.y. joined me for a 2 dessert belated birthday dinner: i, for once, was deliriously happy, & astonishingly lucky to have such a magnificent dinner with such enchanting & intelligent company: shit, i think i'm a bit sad about leaving boise

off to the park at n.b.'s graduation party

they just look like tennis

b.r. (left) initiated the iphone texting break

e., carefully

e. dancing on the carts: for a.m.g.

a. got me a fun birthday present: i'm thinking primary colors: (below: Donne's juvenilia: of Horses and other beasts, they that inherit most courage by being bred of gallantest parents , and by Artificiall nursing are bettered, will runne to their owne deaths, neither sollicited by spurres which they need not, nor by honour which they apprehend not.)

good gets this week: chris gantry

for the soul

for a.m.g.

for good old fashion fun

a gift from k.

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