Monday, May 26, 2008

boise's many species

her eyes read, "stop right there, mister"

there was a clean diaper in a clean swath of green shubbery

upon entering the zoo, a. expressed that her only desire was to see a kid on a leash, as it seemed only fitting: we cage animals, right?: lo & behold, we didn't need to go far: this tyke had a monkey on his back (o, & he already feels the weight!): like most monkeys on backs, the parents definitely played a part getting it there: this kid could have had a brutal first few years that led him down the path he wanders now: fortunately, his parents are well aware of his situation: dad is never a tail-length away

father & son: & leash & monkey

this is the smallest & ugliest plastic carousel i have ever seen: it is a disgrace to the carousel community: someone ought to slip a wrench into those gears

notice the haughty male

a. peeping

animals sliding down animals

photo op with the wild animals

ain't much possible without pepsi! where would we be?

i can't imagine what could have happened

if the color almost matches

a. is slightly disappointed to find how vegan-unfriendly boise is

e. made a rare public appearance: he is leaving for new york at the end of the summer to go to school @ columbia: pat him on the back if you see him: though he might hit for this

this gyro did not save the day

lunch with a.: also known as m.

not sure why, but this alley was calling

this package of "pork sausage" was found on the walk home the afternoon: funny thing is, i don't think there is a Kroger grocery store within a thousand miles of boise


sukey said...

looks like you had fun....i have never seen fries with gyros...send more..miss you...

play/no play said...

umm...err...when is a gyro not coupled with fries?